Tuesday Postscript

Two comforting additions to my desert life arrived today.

The UPS man drove into Nada as I was returning from a walk. I remember the driver; he has a big brown mustache. The community seems to get frequent packages. “Beautiful day today!” said the man with the brown mustache. “Yes, it is” I said, thinking “just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the last two weeks, actually. But you’re a better person than I am for still noticing it.”

He had dropped the package off inside in the front door about a minute before I crossed the threshold. It was a small box.
And it was addressed to me!
From: Geoff & Drew’s of Malden, MA "The finest cookies, brownies, and freshly baked goods."
OMG. I don’t know who sent this, but they have my eternal gratitude. I don’t even know what’s in the box, but I know I’m going to love it.
Here’s what was in the box:

Deliciousness. A million thanks Sharon, Coleman, Caroline, & Philip Kane!
In case you were wondering, I’m not planning on sharing them. Terrible, I know. But if I pace myself, they’ll take me through my final day in the desert. There is no substitute for chocolate.

After picking up the UPS package I noticed a manila envelope in my mailbox. From Loyola. A few lost paychecks perhaps?

Ah yes, the King of Reliability, Mr. Jonathan Pennachia, had come through again. Jonathan is a junior at Loyola and an all-star intern in Campus Ministry. I had lamented to him over email about the music at liturgies here. It’s not bad; in fact, the two Carmelites who usually lead us in song have really lovely voices and have recorded several c.d.’s. The selections, though, are either unfamiliar, or more often, way old-school. In short, I was a little homesick for Loyola Chapel Choir. At my request, Jonathan sent a few of what we call Orders of Worship; you may know them as “mass programs.” (I'm pretty sure everyone reading this blog already knows that I like church music- well, good church music, that is!- so I'm not at all embarrassed to share this story.) 

Jonathan also included notes from a few other Campus Ministry all-stars- Kristen McNeill, Meghan McHale, & Ed Ortiz- which made me feel like I was right back in my office in Cohn Hall. (Well, sharing it with my old coworker Patrick Range who was quick to move in! Just kidding, Pat. It’s all yours. )

A really delightful and uplifting afternoon. Thanks, Community! 

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