Happy Birthday, Dorothy

Dorothy Day's life began on November 8, 1897. Here's a bit of that life's impact from those who knew her well. 

It was not what Dorothy Day wrote that was extraordinary, nor even what she believed, but the fact that there was absolutely no distinction between what she believed, what she wrote, and the manner in which she lived. Robert Ellsberg

I remember sitting in that dingy hall and saying to myself, 'This woman is getting a lot of fun out of life and I would like to get some of that for myself, so maybe I'd better try the same kind of life.' As much as anything it was a quality of humor and laughter, but with a deeper base than you might expect from a good comedian. It was a humor and laughter that seemed to reach down to the secret, hidden places of the soul, promising at any minute to explain the mysteries of life and human striving. John Cort

Without Dorothy, without that exemplary patience, courage, moral modesty, without this woman pounding at the locked door behind which the powerful mock the powerless with games of triage, without her, the resistance we offered would have been simply unthinkable. She urged our consciences off the beaten track; she made the impossible (in our case) probable and then actual. She did this first of all by living as though the Truth were true. Daniel Berrigan, S.J. 

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