
December 8, 2012

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. Henry David Thoreau

I’ve learned a few things about myself in these 40 days. Of course, you don’t need to escape to the desert to learn a few things about yourself; it’s possible anywhere, anytime- as long as there’s space to notice. One of my hopes is that I continue to make space to notice the lessons of the everyday, long after Nada.

Some Lessons from Life at Nada Hermitage: 
1. I can adjust to almost any environment, except those with rodents.
2. I enjoy cooking… alone. I can share the kitchen with others, but we must have separate projects.
3. Quinoa, oats, and apples can take you far.
4.  I can sit in the lotus position for 20 minutes in comfort and stillness.  30 minutes is pushing it.
5. I have a running commentary going on in my head at all times which is very difficult to silence.
6.  I love to read.
7.  I love to write.
8. I am so very impatient with humanity.
9. I can be quite content in a one room cabin.
10. I take beauty for granted.
11. I highly underestimate the importance of daily sunshine to my mental health. 
12. I don’t drink nearly enough water.
13. I need regular doses of unadulterated nature.
14. I can assimilate back into mainstream society with frightening ease.

And there’s more, which only those who read my journal after I’m long gone will be subjected to.

So, that’s it, for now anyway. Depending on my next adventure, I may or may not return to the land of the bloggers. It’s been fun, and especially worthwhile knowing that kind eyes were reading it. I hope it’s been worthwhile for you too! Thank you for your support and your interest during these 40 days.

So now tomorrow I start off again “on pilgrimage,” for we have here no abiding city. Much as we may want to strike our roots in, we are doomed to disappointment and unhappiness unless we preserve our detachment. It is the paradox of the Christian life… Dorothy Day


  1. What I've learned during your time at Nada:
    1. You're a damn good writer, keep going...

  2. I'm sad to see this blog end, Jessica. I've looked forward to it every day.
